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Claire Burton

Tell me about 2 things you learnt from the Claire Burton talk!

Firstly I learned, that Location manager has huge responsibility and it's really hard job..

It seems like an easy job, because in film everyone sees just all the nice locations where the film was shot. But reality is very different and hard.

I got the opportunity to spent sometime in L.A. and met Pavel Sterba, who is from Czech Republic and his job is as Key Location Manager in Hollywood. He used to work on big films, in nowadays he focus more on TV Series, and I got the real feel how hard is this job. Respect for Location managers.

Tell me about 1 THING you might be motivated to do after listening to Claire Burton!

Positivism of being location manager is the fact, that you have to travel and searching locations appropriate for the particular film. This part is fun I would love to at least try it! It.s also about communication with heaps of others people from crew.

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